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Pima's five Governing Board Members pose for a photo

Board Members

Contact all Governing Board members by sending email to: Additional ways to contact the board are provided on the Contact webpage.

Dr. Wade McLean


District 1:  Wade McLean 

A proud native Tucsonan and graduate of Tucson High School, Dr. 韦德·麦克莱恩(Wade McLean)在马拉纳联合学区(Marana Unified School District)开始了他的教师生涯,30年后退休,担任学区负责人. 他还曾担任怀特河联合学区的负责人,为怀特山阿帕奇社区服务.

After completing his bachelor’s degree in Education/Biology, 他在亚利桑那大学继续他的教育,获得了教育领导硕士和博士学位.

Dr. 麦克莱恩在亚利桑那州教育委员会任职四年,并担任总裁和副总裁, 是州公共教育总监的教育联络员吗, 是亚利桑那大学教育领导学院的一员,也是教育领导实习项目的联合主任. 他与皮马社区学院合作,设计了一个“培养你自己”的教师资格认证项目. He also taught for Pima Community College in this program.

他的服务还包括董事会成员和WestEd的前任主席, a national research, 发展和服务非营利组织在美国各地协助教育的努力.S., Pima County Workforce Investment Board, Pima County Bond Advisory Committee, North Central Association State Committee member, 董事会成员和前大都会教育委员会主席, and University of Arizona P-20 Council.

Dr. 麦克莱恩获得了许多认可和奖项,包括:马拉纳商会“年度人物”,亚利桑那大学校友会专业成就奖, Arizona School Administrators’ Superintendent of the Year, 皮马县监事会为韦德麦克莱恩游泳池奉献, dedication of Wade McLean Park by the Marana Town Council, 拉丁美洲公民联盟总统奖和社区服务奖, and a Copper Letter by the City of Tucson.

Appointed January 2023-December 2024 

Theresa Riel


District 2: Theresa Riel

特蕾莎·瑞尔1982年从萨比诺高中毕业,然后和UpWithPeople一起旅行, 一个以音乐表演促进多样性的青年组织, racial equality, and positive thinking nationally and internationally. 这段经历给了她宝贵的知识和技能,使她能够在所有人之间架起沟通和理解的桥梁.

Theresa studied at the University of Arizona, 1987年获文学学士学位,1995年获教学及教师教育/数学硕士学位. She taught math for 33 years throughout Southern Arizona, 在皮马社区学院工作了23年. 她的教学经验告诉她,如果按照学生个人的学习方式进行教学,每个学生都能学好数学.


Theresa is active in the Tucson community, 她是罗斯蒙特西邻里协会的主席,也是南亚利桑那兄弟姐妹会的大姐. She is a regular volunteer for Sister Jose Women’s Shelter, a shelter for women experiencing homelessness.


Elected November 2022 - December 2028

Maria Garcia image


District 3:  Maria D. Garcia

Ms. 加西亚从1974年开始在休斯/雷神公司工作,直到2013年退休. 她的工作经历包括工程、质量控制、研发和管理. 她获得了皮马大学的副学士学位,并参加了亚利桑那大学的埃勒管理学院.

A native Arizonan, Ms. 加西亚与已故亚利桑那州参议院多数党领袖豪尔赫·路易斯·加西亚结婚. Following his death in 2010, 她被任命担任他在州参议院的剩余任期. 她现为第三立法区分区委员会委员.

Ms. Garcia has three children and five grandchildren.

Elected in Nov. 2018 for the term 2019-2024

Greg Taylor


District 4:  Greg Taylor

格雷格的工作重点是加强亚利桑那州的社会服务安全网,提高亚利桑那州人的生活质量. He is passionate about supporting children, families, and vulnerable adults, 通过董事会和志愿者服务做出个人承诺,通过设计和实施企业社会责任和社区参与计划做出专业承诺. 

Greg currently serves as the Regional Vice President, Community Affairs, for Arizona Complete Health, the Centene Corporation health plans in Arizona. 此前,他曾担任Community Partners, Inc .的首席社区和公共关系官. and Community Partnership of Southern Arizona, 亚利桑那州麦哲伦健康服务的公共关系和通讯主任. Since 2011, 格雷格管理着大约2000万美元的投资,用于支持社会服务和非营利组织.

He currently serves on the Pima Community College Governing Board, 担任美国心脏协会图森/南亚利桑那州分会的董事会主席, and as a member of the AHA Western States Affiliates board. In 2016, 亚利桑那每日星报和图森西班牙裔商会将格雷格·图森评为40位40岁以下的年度风云人物. And in 2019, Greg and his wife, Jessi, co-chaired the Tucson Heart Walk, raising a record-setting nearly $300,000 for heart disease and stroke research.

Additionally, 他在公共关系和市场营销方面的工作获得了国际商务传播者协会的认可, Health Information Resource Center, and the Association of Marketing and Communications Professionals. 他还拥有斯坦福大学美国研究荣誉学士学位.

Elected November 2022 - December 2028

Luis Gonzales image


District 5:  Luis L. Gonzales

Mr. Gonzales is Yaqui. 在2000年至2012年担任部落领袖期间,他磨练了自己的立法和政策技巧.

He is a product of the community college system, 获得刑事司法管理的副学士学位. In 2012, Mr. 冈萨雷斯获得了教育学士学位,主修识字和学习 & Leadership, from the University of Arizona.

Mr. 冈萨雷斯和他的妻子莎莉住在帕斯夸亚基保留地. They have five daughters and are proud of their 27 grandchildren.

Mr. Gonzales’ experience includes Director of Educational Programs, 注重学生奖学金和社区资源管理. He is multilingual, speaking Yaqui, Spanish and English. Over the years Mr. 冈萨雷斯曾在帕斯夸亚基部落和图森联合学区的家长委员会任职. He currently serves on the Arizona Indian Council on Aging.

Mr. 冈萨雷斯将继续推动为所有人提供高质量、负担得起和可获得的高等教育.

Elected in Nov. 2018 for the term 2019-2024

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