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A group of diverse 学生 and 工作人员 stand smiling at Northwest Campus


PCC 多样性 and Justice Statement

皮马社区学院 welcomes, 庆祝, and fosters the diversity and contributions of 学生, 教师, 工作人员 and administrators and strives to be a leader in promoting opportunity through social justice commitments and actions.

We cherish the diversity of our community and, in addition to equal opportunity and educational access for all, we 尊重 and are inclusive of all beliefs, 值, 能力, 人al experiences and preferences, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, 和世界观. We believe our differences are our strength and a source of innovation, 卓越, 和竞争力.

We understand that the “community” in the community college of the 21st Century extends beyond local political boundaries, thus we aspire to build a community of responsible global citizens.
We believe that the ultimate objective of diversity is the achievement of equality and social justice. Furthermore, social justice has no borders and is an essential right of the human 比赛.

因此我们表示, 招募, 保留, 开发, and support the potential of 学生 and 员工 from historically marginalized groups in the US and from any origin in the world regardless of 种族, 宗教, 残疾, 政治观点, 性别, 性别认同, 性取向, social status and other characteristics.

PCC Equity and 访问 Statement

皮马社区学院 strives to empower every learner, every day, for every goal. Embedded within that mission statement is a commitment to 股本, equitable practice, and access.

Equity is different from equality. Equality is understood as the proportional distribution or parity of desirable outcomes across groups; while, 股本 refers to fairness and justice in the outcomes and processes. Whereas equality means providing the same to all, 股本 means recognizing that we do not all start from the same place and must acknowledge and make adjustments to imbalances. 这个过程正在进行中, requiring us to identify and overcome intentional and unintentional barriers arising from bias or systemic structures.

访问 to education is done by committing resources to services, 项目, and behaviors that support the opportunity for all 学生. Allocation to groups is not taking away or creating special status to some areas but is driven by equitable practice to ensure that what is needed to remove the barriers to access is achieved. The College is committed to monitoring, 使用数据, and ensuring that resource allocation is adjusted to meet the ongoing access changes in the community using the principles of 股本.

皮马社区学院 is committed through its inclusive transformation to emphasize 股本 in all aspects of its work with 学生, 员工, 和社区. 的AACU, American Association of Colleges and Universities, (2015) highlights specific actions to work toward 股本-minded outcomes for 学生.

看到的: http://www.aacu.org/sites/default/files/StepUpLeadEquity.pdf (25 - 26页). The College’s efforts are aligned with all 10 of these recommended AACU strategies.

PCC Inclusion and Belonging Statement

As it has throughout its history, 皮马社区学院 strives to create a climate and culture in which positive attitudes toward diverse, 交点的, and interconnected groups are the norm and where increased involvement and academic growth is fostered. PCC 值 the enrichment that the unique perspectives and experiences individuals bring to the College and seeks to create an environment where these unique perspectives can coexist and flourish. The differences between people that can en性别 these unique perspectives can include, 但不限于, 年龄, 残疾, 种族, 性别, 国籍, 比赛, color, indigeneity, 社会经济地位, 语言, 教育历史, 教育目标, 地理位置, 以及LGBTQ地位. The College is mindful that inclusion is a journey, and that we may incur institutional resistance . 然而, we remain resolute to reach our overarching goal: ensuring the dignity and authenticity of the individual, and harmony among individuals.

Inclusion and belonging are comprehensive efforts to link diversity, 股本, and quality. They are about transitioning diversity, 股本, and inclusion from isolated initiatives to catalysts for educational and societal 卓越. 皮马社区学院 is committed to modeling an inclusive experience for all members of the college and larger community as well as creating a sense of belonging and connection through:

  • A focus on student intellectual and social 开发ment.
  • A purposeful 开发ment and utilization of organizational resources to enhance student learning.
  • Attention to the cultural differences learners bring to the educational experience and that enhance the enterprise.
  • A welcoming community that eng年龄s all of its diversity in the service of student and organizational learning.
  • Modeling and expecting civility, 尊重, and professional behaviors from all 员工, 学生, and representatives of the College.

Hispanic and Minority Serving Institution

皮马社区学院 is proud to be designated as an Hispanic-Serving Institution.

We are an active member of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU)联系, an association of more than 400 colleges and universities committed to Hispanic higher education success.


代词 are important because they allow us to communicate professionally and accurately, they allow us to recognize cultural and individual identifiers, and are an important part of 性别认同 and how we show 尊重 for those identities. People may refer to traditional American English approaches to 代词, 但不是所有的学生, 工作人员, nor community members solely identify with that approach. In order to promote 尊重 for both individual and cultural identity, it is important for us to use an individual's correct corresponding 代词. We cannot rely solely on names, how we may perceive their 性别, nor the assumptions of others. The only way to know is to ask others, and for us to inform others, of our 代词.

如前所述 代词.Org, traditionally American English male 代词 are he/him/his, traditionally American English female 代词 are she/her/hers. Traditional American English also uses But there are other options for 代词 that people may prefer when the traditional 代词 don’t feel right. These are known as 性别 neutral or 性别 inclusive 代词. Gender inclusive 代词 can seem awkward or unfamiliar and it can be challenging at times to recall a preferred pronoun. That is why it is important to include pronoun identifiers in various types of communication. The more it is used, the more comfortable it becomes.

代词用法很重要, it confirms that you 尊重 the individual, 他们的文化, 以及他们的身份. 它促进包容, 支持归属感, and creates more equitable spaces for 学生 and 员工 to work and learn.

Tips for Employees and Students

  • 分享你的代词. It breaks down the barriers and acknowledges that you 尊重 the 代词 of others. Add your own 代词 to your email signature, 你的Zoom标签, 介绍, and include them in your syllabus/webp年龄s.
  • Ask others their 代词 or how they would like to be addressed. Some people even prefer things such as doctor, professor, or similar identifiers. Asking is the first key to opening the door to understanding.
  • Avoid using binary 性别 代词 in writing, try using non-binary terms. 例如, 使用“类”之类的术语, “学生”, or “everyone” will be more inclusive than “ladies and gentlemen”, “家伙”, 等.



















访问ibility and Neurodiversity Statement

皮马社区学院 seeks to provide an inclusive learning and working environment to benefit all in our community. We celebrate neurodiversity among 员工 and 学生, recognizing the unique value each individual brings to our institution. Being exposed to diverse ways of thinking or processing the world beyond 人al lived experience helps every 人 grow and understand our community in a more real and impactful way.

皮马社区学院 strives to intentionally create a welcoming, 可访问的, and inclusive learning space for 员工 and 学生 alike. Each 人 has a right to feel comfortable and encour年龄d to be themselves without fear of judgment where they can flourish by feeling and experiencing value in their unique contribution to our community.

皮马社区学院 is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and educational institution committed to 卓越 through diversity. Upon request, reasonable accommodations will be made for individuals with dis能力. Every effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations in a timely manner. 社区 members and 员工, please call 520.206.4539或电邮 eeo-all@oasis-trans.net. PCC 学生 should contact ADR at 520.206.6688或电邮 ADRHelp@oasis-trans.net.

Additional Information and Resources

Calendar of Holidays and Religious Observances (可下载的PDF)
Office of 多样性, Equity, and Inclusion
多样性 and 包含奖s
多样性, Equity, and Inclusion Planning Redesign
PCC Campus Prayer and Meditation Space 位置 and Guidelines 
Religious Accommodations Requests

皮马社区学院 is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and educational institution committed to 卓越 through diversity. Upon request, reasonable accommodations will be made for individuals with dis能力. Every effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations in a timely manner. 社区 members and 员工, please call 520.206.4539或电邮至eeo-all@oasis-trans.net. PCC 学生 should contact ADR at 520.206.6688或电邮至ADRHelp@oasis-trans.net.

多样性 & 包含奖

The PCC 多样性 and 包含奖s honors individuals, 部门, community members or organizations for their efforts to enhance diversity and inclusion. 申请截止日期是 星期三,2024年4月24日.


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