A better 2024-2025 FAFSA form is now available. 适用于今天! 问题? 联系 财政援助和奖学金办公室
A student carrying luggage approaches a 欧洲 City


Immerse yourself in a different culture and country while earning academic credits. Enhance your college experience by exploring Asia, 南美, 欧洲, and beyond while gaining a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 的 国际教育中心 (CIE) at 皮马社区学院 (PCC) serves as the hub for education abroad experiences. 工作人员 are ready to assist you in making the most of your college experience. 

出国留学有很多好处. According to the Institute of International Education (IIE), there are 出国留学的十大理由. Studying abroad is a life-changing experience. Ask yourself some questions before you decide to study abroad. 

  • What do you want to learn from this experience?
  • 你如何处理不确定性和变化?
  • Will this experience help you academically, professionally and personally?
  • Can you financially support your study abroad experience? 

1. Take a Pima history course in Summer 2024 while exploring Bundoran, Ireland!

  • 时间:2024年6月23日至7月3日
  • 地点:爱尔兰本多兰
  • Course Enrollment: HIS 141, 历史 of United States 3 cr.; fulfills C&G(可用座位:10个)
  • 留学项目费用:2美元,350美元包括当地交通费, 住宿(学生公寓), 早餐, 大多数晚餐和所有的集体活动. 此费用不包括皮马学费, 机票, 午餐, 一些晚餐, 旅游保险, 护照费用, 等. A non-refundable deposit of $200 is due upon admission to the program. 的 deposit will be applied to the program fee.
  • 付款截止日期:2024年3月31日
  • Application Deadline: January 10, 2024 (late applications accepted on a case-by-case basis)
  • 有关资料,请参阅 摩天观景轮

准备申请? 请填写 申请表 审核完成后我们会与您联系.

2. Take one or two Pima Political Science courses in Summer 2024 while exploring Berlin, Germany.

  • 时间:2024年7月20日至7月31日
  • 地点:德国柏林
  • Course Enrollment: POS204, Intro to Comparative Politics, 3 cr. (7月8日至8月8日. 9) AND/OR POS196, Independent Study in Political Science, 3 cr. (July 20-31) (Available seats 16; minimum 10)
  • 留学项目费用:3美元,500 包括s round-trip 机票 between Phoenix and Berlin, 德国当地交通, 住宿(共用宿舍), 早餐和大多数小组活动. 此费用不包括皮马学费, 午餐, 晚餐, 图森和凤凰城之间的交通, 旅游保险, 护照费用, 一些入场费, 等. A non-refundable $200 deposit is due upon admission to the program. 的 deposit will be applied to the program fee.
  • 付款截止日期:2024年3月31日
  • Application Deadline: January 31, 2024 (late applications accepted on a case-by-case basis)
  • 有关资料,请参阅 摩天观景轮.

准备申请? 请填写 申请表 审核完成后我们会与您联系.

To be eligible for the application of a PCC study abroad program, you must: 

  1. Be currently enrolled at 皮马社区学院
  2. 年满18岁 
  3. Have completed at least 12 academic college credits and have a minimum 2.5大学GPA
  4. 没有违反行为准则吗
  5. Maintain good academic standing – not on academic restriction/probation/disqualification
  6. Be in good financial standing with PCC – no overdue account balance or outstanding fines
  7. Complete the 出国留学 application with a 500-word personal statement essay. 你的陈述应该是段落式的, not as numbered responses to the questions providing answers to the questions below:
    • How will studying abroad help you achieve your future academic or professional goals?
    • Why did you select your specific program and host country?
    • How are you academically prepared to be a successful scholar abroad? If you have faced significant academic difficulties, tell us about those and how you are overcoming them.
    • 有哪些知识的例子, 技能, and experiences will you draw on to meet the challenges of going abroad?
  8. Have a valid passport 30 days prior to traveling 

Certain programs may have different requirements. 请参阅星际官方赌钱详情. 

在申请留学项目之前, please research program information like the eligibility requirement, 位置, 预算, 等. You are also encouraged to reach out to the CIE office (international@oasis-trans.net)查阅更多资料. 

不同类型的经济援助,比如助学金, scholarships and loans can help cover the cost of your study abroad experience. 如果你获得经济援助, you may be able to apply it towards the cost of a credit-bearing study abroad program, 包括学杂费. Please contact PCC 财政援助和奖学金办公室 for more information. 

的se are some important study abroad scholarships you should consider applying to:

  1. 美国.S. 国务院的 本杰明一. 吉尔曼国际奖学金项目 enables students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad, providing them with 技能 critical to our national security and economic prosperity. 
  2. 批判性语言奖学金 (CLS) offers a summer study abroad opportunity for American college and university students to learn languages essential to America's engagement with the world. CLS项目是美国的一个项目.S. government effort to exp和 number of Americans studying and mastering critical foreign languages. 
  3. 首次出国留学奖学金 may provide funding for individuals traveling to countries ranked lower than Very High on the United Nations' annual Human Development Index (HDI).


  1. 仔细阅读文章,做好准备 国务院的 International Travel site疾控中心的国际旅游网站 适合国际旅客. 
  2. 残疾学生: Please dis关闭 your disability needs to the 访问 & 残疾资源(ADR)办公室 early for appropriate arrangements and reasonable accommodations. 
  3. 出发前的指导是强制性的. Schedule of the orientations will be announced after you are admitted to the program. 
  4. 住房和住宿 包括, 但不限于, 学生宿舍, 酒店, 住宿和早餐, 寄宿家庭, 和公寓. You may need to share a room with another participant. Please be mindful of each other's privacy, space, habits and sleep patterns. 



电话: (520) 206-6732
电子邮件: international@oasis-trans.net

“My time [abroad] made me a better student, a better member of my community, and a better person.”
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